NAVA Gamer Gathering, May 25th "Jedi, Sith and Rebels Unite - A Star Wars Celebration"

NAVA = North Atlantic Videogame Aficionados. This is a FREE event bringing gamers together for competition, trading, and chatter.
Previously at NAVA...
- We celebrated the world of wrasslin', PENCIL NECK!
- The 6pm tournament was a four player tag team bracket playing N64 WWF No Mercy. The tag team of Jeremy Rybak and Vampire won the event for the $20 gift certificate, with Jeremy defeating Vampire in the final one on one for an additional $10.
- The arcade challenge was SATURDAY NIGHT SLAM MASTERS. The high score was 57,300 scored by ex-store team member Kay, earning them the coveted house champion $20 gift certificate.
- Gamers, collectors and friends shared their recent adventures and sold or traded their goods.
In This Month's NAVA: For almost as long as there have been videogames, there have been Star Wars videogames. From the 80s classic vector arcade game and its many home incarnations to the LucasArts era of the 90s to the many ship-to-ship combat and explorations titles of this Electronic Arts era, Star Wars has always been there for us, as an interactive experience for gamers. Whether it be blasting Tie Fighters, racing through the chasms of Tatooine or navigating as a Jedi in the Old Republic, there's action aplenty when it comes to this franchise. Come and play the many systems and kiosks we'll have available to everyone throughout the course of the day.
Arcade Challenge: In 1983, Atari released a classic coin-op game titled simply STAR WARS. Be the best at this game on this one day by logging the highest score on our arcade cabinet by 9pm and win a nifty $20 gift certificate. Arcade challenge games are set to FREE PLAY all day, but please remember to let everyone get a shot. If you get the high score, move on, and no hogging the cabinet! Also if you have won last month’s arcade challenge you are not eligible to win this month’s challenge.
6PM Tournament: In 1997 LucasArts published STAR WARS: MASTERS OF TERAS KASI on PlayStation. Who will win, Alliance or Empire? And who will be that faction's greatest champion? Let's find out. Sign-ups begin at 3pm, the tournament starts after 6pm in this first-come, first-served and as always at NAVA, FREE-to-join tournament.
Remember, you can bring a box or two of your trade goodies. We'll help you administer sales and get you set up somewhere in the store to sell your goods, there is no charge for this perk, NAVA is the time for trading! Also, if you have a Digital Press or NAVA t-shirt, wear them for a for an additional 5% discount on the store's already low-low prices! If you don't have a Digital Press t-shirt, ask us how to buy one while you're here. It's NAVA time, people! Let us all GAME ON.
RSVP (optional):
When: Saturday, MAY 25TH, 3PM-10PM.
Where: Digital Press Videogames:
What happens: Gaming, trading, impromptu tournaments, big prizes! Extra game stations are set up around the store. Attendance is FREE. Half price for kids!
What can I bring?: It's nice to share. Snacks, soda and water for your community are always appreciated.